What Christmas Means To Us

The festive season seems to come around faster and faster each year, and with it brings many wonderful traditions. Family gatherings, Christmas parties and getting merry with girlfriends over a cocktail or two.. With everyone embracing the Christmas spirit it got us thinking what Christmas means to us here at Fleur of England, and although no two families Christmas Day are the same there are many values and moments that we all treasure just as equally. We've chose just a few of these and we're sure you will agree this is what makes Christmas such a magical time!

Spending time with loved ones

It seems like an obvious one, but for us and many others the Christmas holidays are a chance to really enjoy spending some quality time with your nearest and dearest. With most of us being lucky enough to have a couple of days off over Christmas it gives everyone the opportunity to get together, catch up and share stories, normally over a delicious meal or drinks. Whether you have a large family and will be attending a Christmas Day roast dinner extraordinaire or you'll be having a smaller affair over Boxing Day drinks, use this time to really appreciate all of your lovely family and friends.

The chance to slow down

We all know how important it is to take time out where possible and really unwind and relax. The Christmas period, even though busy, can be the perfect time to do this. Boxing Day is the ultimate day to get snug in silky pyjamas, prepare some left overs to nibble on and watch festive films on the sofa with your favourite people. Homemade mulled wine is a delicious way to warm up and continue the seasonal traditions, as well as making your home smell gorgeous! If baking is a favourite past time of yours, why not enlist some family members to whip up some gingerbread - another way to fill your home with a familiar, cosy festive smell.

An excuse to indulge

With the month of December normally being full of exciting plans and parties, this usually means lots of flavoursome food and delightful drinks coming your way. It's always a wonderful way to socialise. Indulging yourself doesn't have to just be centred around food; take some time out this Christmas for a luxury bubble bath with your favourite candles, enjoy an evening spent in front of a fire with a good book or treat yourself to a new lingerie set to surprise a loved one with a decadent night in for two.

However you choose to spend your Christmas this year, from everyone here at Fleur of England we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!